The circuit

— feeling big smile
The Circuit - Francisco Jimenez

 After reading The Circuit I feel that the author, Francisco Jimenez, wants to let the readers know that no matter in what position you are in or were given in life,you are capable of thriving and achieving your goals. " "This is our chance to stay in Santa Maria all year and not move to Fresno  to pick grapes and miss school,'' I said to myself" -This quote from the book tells the readers that after the rough time that he has gone threw he still has hope to live a semi-normal life.


The more I read the book, the more I got to now the characters, especially Francisco,the main character. Francisco sometimes reminds me of my family, how they came to California illegally, how they worked hard to get money, but the difference is that my family did not get a chance to an education.


Towards the last chapters I decided that the book The Circuit was an interesting book, but it was very confusing. The main reason I thought it was confusing was because the author did not really let us know how many years would past by and he would not give us detail on how his family was growing.